Tailor Squad Strategy

Redefine the squad’s mission and create a short term strategy for the next 2-3 years focused on how to reduce returns at Lounge.



Our squad was tasked to focus on the business problem of reducing returns as it is one key focus area in the Lounge strategy.

My role

Design Prime: led design and strategic activities

What we did

A series of cross-functional workshops as a team to align on the customer problems and ideate solutions.


An aligned mission and strategy on possible initiatives to tackle for the next 2-3 years in order to reduce returns and improve other KPIs.

Our Mission

Tailor Squad members

Empower our users to make well-informed decisions, while they seamlessly discover articles that match their expectations.

Tailor Squad Members

Opportunity areas

I organized and facilitated 2 problem framing workshops where the team reviewed key insights and user problems which helped us identify 2 main opportunity areas that will allow us to focus our efforts on reducing returns.

Since the return rate is a lagging indicator, we have other objectives as well that we will monitor.


Some projects on the horizon

Due to our problem framing exercises, we were able to prioritize some projects that we thought were helpful to improve the foundations of the experience as well as look into creating a new feature.

Future vision

VIsualizing how our new ideas come together

How Andrea’s experience can be improved

Andrea, one of our highly engaged customer profiles, finds the current decision making process on Lounge frustrating. If we alleviate some of her pains of not knowing enough information about items and being unsure of which size to select, we could improve her experience in the following ways:

After our latest ideation workshop, I used the top ideas and created a future vision where we see how the new ideas can complement each other throughout the user journey.